Friday, March 23, 2007

Real Estate Showcase - March 21 2007
This past Wednesday we attended the Real Estate Showcase which is put on each year for realtors, by the Edmonton Real Estate Board. It was REI's first year doing this and we found it to be very beneficial.
We managed to meet a lot of realtors - some knew of us and some had never heard of us even though we have been around so long.
A lot of realtors were repeating our thoughts in regards to homes that are being sold without conditions on. They definitely thought that it was time to change things as a lot of their clients may end up finding issues with their homes once they move in and then it would be too late for recourse.
It was good to hear that realtors were in agreement and wanted their clients to get a home inspection for their own peace of mind....
With the weather getting better we hope for more homes on the market and thus not so much competition for each home - therefore allowing people time to decide on their purchase AND allowing them time to get a home inspection!!!
Signing off,

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